Roughly 365 hummingbirds in the world.
NOT including the 506 subspecies!
Here are 217 species (and counting)
taken by Anthony Lujan
click on the IMAGE to see more photographs of that species.
Black-backed Thornbill
Black-backed Thornbill
Ramphomicron dorsale
Endemic to Colombia
Near Threatened
Blue-bearded Helmetcrest
Blue-bearded Helmetcrest
Oxypogon cyanolaemus
Endemic to Colombia
Golden-bellied Starfrontlet
Golden-bellied Starfrontlet
Coeligena bonapartei
Endemic to Colombia
Santa Marta Blossomcrown
Santa Marta Blossomcrown
Anthocephala floriceps
Endemic to Colombia
White-tailed Starfrontlet
White-tailed Starfrontlet
Coeligena phalerata
Endemic to Colombia