Green-bearded Helmetcrest

Common name: Green-bearded Helmetcrest
Scientific name: Oxypogon guerinii
Clades: Lesbiini - Coquettes

The Green-bearded Helmetcrest is 11.2 to 12.7 cm (4.4 to 5.0 in) long. The male’s weight is about 5.7 g (0.20 oz) and the female’s 4.8 g (0.17 oz).

Although the Green-bearded Helmetcrest is the most widespread of this genus, it does not occur anywhere else than the Eastern Andes of Colombia. It is named helmetcrest because of the dark sides of their heads and the white center of their long, narrow, pointed crests. Helmetcrest species have long, narrow throat gorgets shaped like beards. This species has a glittering green throat surrounded by narrow white borders. The Green-bearded Helmetcrest inhabits humid páramos between 3000 and 5200 meters above sea level. When feeding, this helmetcrest clings to flowering shrubs and hovers in front of them rather than hovering in front of flowers. It feeds on many flowering shrubs but prefers Espeletia. Besides capturing small insects while hovering or gleaning from perches, Green-bearded Helmetcrests also glean small arthropods while perching on the ground.

Endemic to E Andes of Colombia (S to Cundinamarca).


Green-backed Firecrown

