Black-thighed Puffleg

Common name: Black-thighed Puffleg
Scientific name: Eriocnemis derbyi
Clades: Heliantheini - Brilliants

The Black-thighed puffleg is about 10 cm (3.9 in) long.

Black-thighed Puffleg populations are declining due to habitat loss. Most of their time is spent in humid forests, bushy semi-open pastures, and ravines; they rarely go into the interiors of forests. A Black-thighed Puffleg feeds primarily on nectar from low flowers, making it an active, territorial hummingbird. In both males and females, the tails are black and the bodies are green. Males have black leg puffs, whereas females have a mixture of black and white leg puffs. Females are white underneath but have extensive green spots.


Black-tailed Trainbearer


Black-throated Brilliant