Black-tailed Trainbearer

Common name: Black-tailed Trainbearer
Scientific name: Lesbia victoriae
Clades: Lesbiini - Coquettes

Males measure between 21 and 24 centimeters long, including the long tail. Females are between 13.5 and 14.5 centimeters in length.

The Black-tailed Trainbearer male has an exceptionally long tail with a slightly decurved bill, black; above is bronzy-green, the postocular spot white; its underparts are tawny with green discs; its tail is deep forked; its rectrices are black with the tips of bronzy-green, and its tail is heavily forked. In the female, the underparts are buffy white with green discs, there is no gorget; the tail is shorter and deeply forked, and the rectrices are shining bluish-black. A juvenile resembles an adult female, while an immature male has gorgets and streamers that are partially developed.

3 subspecies:

  1. L. v. victoriae
    Distribution E Andes of N Colombia (Norte de Santander to Bogotá) and of S Colombia (Nariño) and Ecuador (S to Azuay).

  2. L. v. juliae
    Distribution Andes of S Ecuador (S Loja) to C Peru (S to Huánuco and N Lima).

  3. L. v. berlepschi
    Distribution Andes of SE Peru (Junín to Cuzco).


Black-crested Coquette


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