Camping with Hummingbird Feeders: Travel Tips for Nature Lovers


For nature enthusiasts who love hummingbirds, traveling with feeders can enhance your outdoor experience by attracting these delightful birds to your campsite. Whether you're traveling in an RV or camping in a tent, there are several tips to ensure your hummingbird feeders are safe, effective, and easy to manage. Here’s how you can successfully travel with hummingbird feeders.

Choosing the Right Feeder

Compact and Durable Design

Select a feeder that is compact and durable. Glass feeders are sturdy but can be heavy and breakable, while plastic feeders are lightweight and less prone to breaking. Ensure that the feeder you choose is easy to disassemble and clean.

Leak-Proof and Ant-Resistant

Look for feeders with leak-proof seals to prevent nectar from spilling during travel. Ant moats or ant-resistant designs are also beneficial to keep pests away from the nectar.

Preparing the Feeder

Clean Thoroughly Before Travel

Before setting out on your trip, clean your feeder thoroughly with a solution of four parts water to one part white vinegar or a mild bleach solution (1 teaspoon bleach to 1 quart of water). Rinse well to ensure no residue is left that could harm the birds.

Prepare Nectar in Advance

Prepare a batch of nectar (four parts water to one part white sugar) and store it in a clean, sealed container. Keep it in your RV’s refrigerator or a cooler to maintain freshness until you're ready to fill the feeder.

Setting Up at the Campsite

Choose a Safe Location

Hang your feeder in a location where it is easily visible to hummingbirds but safe from predators. Ideally, place it near a window or in an open area where you can enjoy watching the birds without disturbing them.

Use Sturdy Mounting Options

Ensure the feeder is securely mounted using hooks or suction cups that can withstand movement and wind. Portable shepherd’s hooks can be a good option for hanging feeders at a campsite.

Maintenance on the Road

Regular Cleaning

Even while traveling, it's crucial to clean your feeder every few days to prevent mold and bacterial growth. Use the same cleaning solution as you did at home and rinse thoroughly.

Fresh Nectar

Refill the feeder with fresh nectar regularly. If the nectar becomes cloudy or dirty, it’s time to replace it. Always have a clean supply of nectar stored in your RV or cooler.

Monitor for Pests

Check for ants and other pests regularly. Using feeders with built-in ant moats or applying a bit of vegetable oil around the feeder ports can help keep pests at bay.

Attracting Hummingbirds

Use Bright Colors

Hummingbirds are attracted to bright colors, particularly red. If your feeder is not brightly colored, consider tying red ribbons nearby to attract their attention.

Native Plants

Planting or placing potted native flowering plants around your campsite can help attract hummingbirds. Choose plants known for attracting hummingbirds, such as bee balm, salvia, and trumpet vine.

Consistent Feeding

Once you start feeding hummingbirds, try to maintain consistency. They remember reliable food sources and will continue to return if they find your feeder consistently available and filled with fresh nectar.


Traveling with hummingbird feeders can be a rewarding experience, bringing the joy of these vibrant birds to your RV or campsite. By choosing the right feeder, maintaining cleanliness, and ensuring a fresh supply of nectar, you can attract hummingbirds wherever you go. Follow these tips to enhance your outdoor adventures and enjoy the delightful presence of hummingbirds on your travels.


Please note: The content provided on this blog is for educational purposes only and contains general information.


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