Attract Hummingbirds with Beardtongues


Beardtongues, also known as Penstemons, are a favorite among hummingbird enthusiasts. Their tubular flowers and rich nectar make them a magnet for these tiny birds.

Benefits of Beardtongues

Attracts Hummingbirds The tubular shape and vibrant colors of Beardtongues are perfect for attracting hummingbirds.

Long Blooming Season These plants bloom from late spring through summer, providing a steady nectar source.

Low Maintenance Beardtongues are hardy and drought-tolerant, making them easy to care for.

How to Grow Beardtongues

Optimal Conditions

  • Sunlight: Full sun.

  • Soil: Well-drained, sandy soil.

  • Watering: Minimal once established.

Planting Tips

  • Plant in early spring for best results.

  • Space plants adequately to ensure good air circulation.

Maintenance Tips

Pruning Deadhead spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming.

Fertilizing Use a balanced fertilizer in early spring.

Pest Control Generally pest-resistant, but monitor for aphids and treat if necessary.


Incorporating Beardtongues into your garden is an excellent way to attract hummingbirds while adding vibrant color. With proper care, these plants will thrive and enhance your garden’s appeal.


Please note: The content provided on this blog is for educational purposes only and contains general information. For advice and guidance tailored to your specific region and circumstances, please consult with a professional.


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