Viridian Metaltail

Common name: Viridian Metaltail
Scientific name: Metallura williami
Clades: Lesbiini - Coquettes

The Viridian Metaltail is a stunning species of hummingbird endemic to the high-altitude cloud forests of the Andes mountains in South America. This small bird, measuring around 10 centimeters in length, is characterized by its vibrant emerald-green plumage and a striking azure throat patch that glistens in the sunlight, resembling a piece of polished metal.

With its long, slightly decurved bill, the Viridian Metaltail is well-adapted for feeding on the nectar of various flowering plants found in its mountainous habitat. This species plays a crucial role in pollination, contributing to the ecological health of its ecosystem.

Unfortunately, like many hummingbird species, the Viridian Metaltail faces threats from habitat loss due to deforestation and climate change. Conservation efforts are essential to protect this beautiful bird and ensure its survival for future generations to admire and appreciate.

4 subspeices

  1. Viridian Metaltail (recisa)
    M. w. recisa
    Distribution: Páramo de Frontino (Antioquia), in W Andes of N Colombia.

  2. Viridian Metaltail (Viridian)
    M. w. williami
    Distribution: both slopes of C Andes in Colombia.

  3. Viridian Metaltail (Ecuadorian)
    M. w. primolina
    Distribution: E Andes of S Colombia (Nariño) and Ecuador (S to N Azuay).

  4. Viridian Metaltail (Black-throated)
    M. w. atrigularis
    Distribution: Andes of S Ecuador from W Morona-Santiago S to El Oro, Loja and Zamora-Chinchipe.


Violet Sabrewing

