
Common name: Swallow-tailed Hummingbird
Scientific name: Eupetomena macrourus
Clades: Trochilini - Emeralds

The Swallow-tailed Hummingbird is a large, spectacular denizen of open savanna-like vegetation in the southern and northeastern tropics of South America.

They have an impressively long, deeply forked tails and are easily identifiable as large violet and green hummingbirds. As well as defending dense nectar sources like those found in flowering trees, it feeds on airborne insects. There are five subspecies, four of which are found in the southern disjunct portion of the species' range.

5 subspecies:

  1. E. m. macroura
    Distribution Suriname and N, C and SE Brazil (Amazonas–Rondônia border; Amapá and Pará; Mato Grosso, Goiás and Minas Gerais to São Paulo) to Paraguay and extreme NE Argentina (Misiones).

  2. E. m. simoni
    Distribution NE Brazil (S Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Pernambuco and Bahia to C Goiás and C Minas Gerais).

  3. E. m. cyanoviridis
    Distribution SE Brazil (Serra do Mar, in E São Paulo).

  4. E. m. hirundo
    Distribution SE Peru (upper Urubamba Valley, in C Cuzco).

  5. E. m. boliviana
    Distribution SE Peru (Pampas del Heath (4) ) and N Bolivia (La Paz, Beni).



