Rufous-crested Coquette

Common name: Rufous-crested Coquette
Scientific name: Lophornis delattrei
Clades: Lesbiini - Coquettes

Rufous-Crested Coquettes are 6.4 cm to 7.0 cm (2.5 to 2.7 inches) in length and weigh an average of 2.8g (0.09 grams).

Their crests are spiky orange and tipped in black, making them stand out in the crowd. Males have a striking orange crest with fabulous spiky orange feathers. Apart from that, it is green with a conspicuous white band running across the rump and a dark throat. The female is much less obvious; look for her very small size, rufous forehead and throat, and a white band across her rump. The range of a coquette usually makes it easier to eliminate similar species, including Spangled Coquettes. Unlike other coquettes, it is usually found at the edges, in brushy clearings or on roadsides with blooming bushes.

2 subspecies:

  1. L. d. lessoni
    Distribution Pacific and Caribbean slopes of Panama, and C and E Andes of Colombia (Magdalena Valley and Santander). Old records from Costa Rica.

  2. L. d. delattrei
    Distribution E slope in N Peru (San Martín) and N Bolivia (to Beni and W Santa Cruz).


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