Purple-throated Woodstar

Common name: Purple-throated Woodstar
Scientific name: Philodice mitchellii
Clades: Mellisugini - Bees

The Purple-throated Woodstar is a species of hummingbird found in the Andean region of South America. This small bird, measuring around 8 cm in length and weighing about 3 grams, has striking plumage with iridescent blue-green upperparts and a glittering violet throat. The male Purple-throated Woodstar displays more vibrant colors compared to the female, which has a slightly duller plumage.

These hummingbirds are known for their agility and quick movements as they feed on nectar from a variety of brightly colored flowers using their specialized long, slender bills. They are also often seen perching on open branches or wires, where they rest between feeding flights. The Purple-throated Woodstar plays a crucial role in pollination within its habitat, contributing to the diversity and health of the ecosystem.


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