Mountain Velvetbreast

Common name: Mountain Velvetbreast
Scientific name: Lafresnaya lafresnayi
Clades: Heliantheini - Brilliant

The Mountain Velvetbreast is a striking species of hummingbird found in the cloud forests of the Andes Mountains in South America. This medium-sized hummingbird is known for its vibrant plumage, with males displaying upperparts grass-green; white postocular spot, throat and breast iridescent emerald-green, belly velvet black, central rectrices bronze-green. On the other hand, the females exhibit a more subdued coloration, featuring a combination of green and white feathers with a white-spotted throat.

These hummingbirds are known for their unique feeding behavior, often seen visiting a variety of flowering plants to feed on nectar using their specialized long, curved bills. Their diet also includes small insects and spiders, which provide them with essential proteins and nutrients.

The Mountain Velvetbreast is a solitary and territorial bird that fiercely defends its feeding and breeding territories from intruders. During the breeding season, males perform elaborate aerial displays to attract females, showcasing their iridescent plumage and agility in flight. Once a mate is selected, the female builds a small cup-shaped nest using soft plant fibers and spider silk, where she lays two white eggs.

7 subspecies

  1. L. l. liriope
    Distribution: Santa Marta Mts, in N Colombia.

  2. L. l. longirostris
    Distribution: Northern portion of the Central Andes of Colombia

  3. L. l. greenewalti
    Distribution: W Venezuela (S Trujillo, Mérida, NE Táchira).

  4. L. l. lafresnayi
    Distribution: Central and Eastern Andes of Colombia

  5. L. l. saul
    Distribution: Andes of SW Colombia S through Ecuador and extreme N Peru (E Piura, W Cajamarca).

  6. L. l. orestes
    Distribution: East slope of Andes of northern Peru (Amazonas, south of the Marañón Valley)

  7. L. l. rectirostris
    Distribution: Temperate Andes of n and central Peru


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