Band-tailed Barbthroat

Common name: Band-tailed Barbthroat
Scientific name: Threnetes ruckeri
Clades: Phaethornithinae - Hermits

The Band-tailed Barbthroat is a species of hummingbird native to South America. This medium-sized bird is predominantly green with a distinctive violet-blue band stretching across its chest. Its iridescent green throat and forehead characterize the male Band-tailed Barbthroat, while the female has a white throat with green speckles.

Known for its unique breeding behavior, the Band-tailed Barbthroat is a solitary nester, with the female building a compact cup-shaped nest using plant fibers and spider silk. This species is often found in the humid forests and montane regions of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador, where it feeds on nectar from various flowers.

As a photographer dedicated to capturing the beauty of hummingbirds, Anthony Lujan has been on a mission to document the Band-tailed Barbthroat and other species to help raise awareness about their conservation status and promote appreciation for these remarkable birds.

3 subspecies:

  1. T. r. ventosus
    Distribution: E Guatemala and Belize to Panama.

  2. T. r. ruckeri
    Distribution: N and W Colombia and W Ecuador (S to El Oro).

  3. T. r. venezuelensis
    Distribution: NW Venezuela (E to W Apure and W Barinas).



