6 Tips to Keep Bees Away from Hummingbird Feeders


Bees competing for nectar at hummingbird feeders can be a common issue. To keep the peace and ensure your hummingbirds can feed undisturbed, follow these six tips.

1. Use Red-Colored Feeders

Hummingbirds are attracted to red, while bees prefer yellow and blue. Opt for feeders that are predominantly red to draw in the birds but not the bees.

2. Relocate the Feeder

Moving the feeder every few days can confuse bees and reduce their visits. This method takes advantage of bees' habitual nature, making it harder for them to consistently locate the feeder.

3. Offer Bee-Specific Feeders

Create a diversion by setting up a separate feeding station with sugar water specifically for bees. Place it away from your hummingbird feeders to distract the bees.

4. Keep Feeders Clean

Regular cleaning of feeders removes sticky residues that attract bees. Ensure there are no leaks or drips that might draw bees to the area.

5. Use Nectar Guards

Install bee guards or nectar guards on your feeders. These devices prevent bees from accessing the nectar while allowing hummingbirds to feed without difficulty.

6. Reduce Nectar Concentration

Lower the sugar concentration in the nectar to a 3:1 ratio (water to sugar). This mixture is less appealing to bees but still attracts hummingbirds, providing a less inviting option for bees.


By implementing these strategies, you can maintain a hummingbird-friendly garden while keeping bees at bay. Creating an environment where hummingbirds can feed peacefully will enhance your garden's beauty and biodiversity.


Please note: The content provided on this blog is for educational purposes only and contains general information. For advice and guidance tailored to your specific region and circumstances, please consult with a professional.


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